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Revise Pages 1-8 of the Notebook

By Rodney Everson • Updated Jul 27th, 2023

OnTrack Reading Phonics Program

Teach your student the phonics advanced code in as little as 8 weeks with our 170-page workbook and instruction manual.

Author’s Note

When your child reaches the second grade level or so, you'll be having him write out, in cursive, eight sections in the front of his new notebook. The comments below discuss changes that need to be made to accommodate the revised phonograms.

Page 1: Consonants and Vowels

Three of the vowel phonograms have changed. The phonogram i is now /i/ie/ee/ and so the word ski should be added to column 3. The phonogram y is now /ee/ie/i/, so the order should now be happy, my, gym (adding happy). The phonogram u now has four sounds, /u/ue/oo/oul/, so the words should be up, music, truth, put (adding truth).

Also, the "Silent final e's" section should be left off completely.

Page 2: The /er/ Phonograms

Make no changes other than the appropriate coding changes.

Page 3: Adding Suffixes

(Note that in the 4th Edition of WRTR, this is page 5.)

Make no changes other than the appropriate coding changes.

Page 4: Adding Suffixes to Words Ending in e

Note: in the 4th Edition, this is page 6.)

Make no changes other than the appropriate coding changes.

Page 5: Distinguishing the Phonograms ie and ei

The phonogram ei has been changed to /ee/ae/e/ (from /ee/ae/i/) to accommodate the word heifer and because all the other exceptions that are essentially schwas can just as easily be taught as /e/ sounds. Thus, teach forfeit as "forfet" instead of "forfit."

Now, under the "cei" column, put "Exceptions" and add the words Neither seized either weird protein (or) leisure. Teach those words as a sentence to aid their recall for spelling. Then, under "Exceptions" in the fourth column, write the words Foreign sovereign forfeited counterfeit heifer. Teach those as a sentence.

And, again, make the appropriate coding changes.

Page 6: The /sh/ Phonograms

The phonogram ssi has been added and so the columns need to change. Move the ci list to column 2 and si to column 3. Under si write the words tension, mansion, pension, expansion, and dimension. (Don't bother writing "manse" and "tense" as your child won't know what a "manse" is and there is no corresponding "pense" or "dimense" so the point will be lost anyway.)

Under a fourth ssi column, write the words session, mission, passion, compression, discussion, depression, admission, expression, impression, profession, and permission.

And, again, make the appropriate coding changes.

Page 7: Multiletter Phonograms

Just go through phonograms #27 through #84, adding them to this page. However, cluster them as follows:

When you get to phonograms ee, ie, and oe, list phonogram ue next and link them all together as split vowel spellings.

When you get to phonograms le, ve, me, ne, se, ze, ce, and ge, link them together as ending sounds.

When you get to phonogram ck, list phonograms dge and tch next and link all three as markers

When you get to phonogram ere, list phonograms arr and err next and link them all as /err/ sounds.

Also, if the number of sounds of a particular phonogram has changed, put the correct number in front of the phonogram. For example, ough would now have a 4 in front of it, not a 6.

Page 8: Additional Phonograms Discovered

As you and your child discover phonograms not taught as part of the 84 OnTrack Reading phonograms, list them on this page. (This is a Fifth Edition feature. The Fourth Edition doesn't mention a page 8, but it's a good idea.)

This concludes the changes you will need to implement if you adopt the OnTrack Reading Homeschooling Program. The next section contains links to various sources of supply for users of the curriculum in WRTR.

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